Long time no post!, BUT WAIT!


Hello everyone! sorry its been so long since i haven’t posted anything on here, thank you to those who are still following i shall endeavour and always will to post up as much as i can whenever i can, recently its been very busy with university, i have PASSED! MY BA HONS PHOTOGRAPHY DEGREE!! YEY!

one cannot describe how happy i am to not have to go back and revisit all that work again! now i can move forward with my skills and put them to better use than just satisfying my teachers!

And to make me ever happier, they have decided on the Free Range Website to use Milly’s Clockdog orange image as one of the images to represent the show in London. Below is a screen shot.

Screen Shot 2015-05-31 at 17.55.45

As you can imagine i was really surprised that that image was chosen! but of course really grateful little milly is famous! yey imy first proper publication!

If you want to see more then please follow this link,


For information on my Graduation show that i am currently running around like a headless chicken trying to organise and set up with 60 other students from my photography course, accompanied by plenty of other university graduates, all showing their freshly creative work! If you love art this is not an event to miss!

So please come along to London  and visit the Emergence UCA Farnham’s graduate Photography show at The Old Truman Brewery!!

Guaranteed to be nothing you have seen before!

Good to blog again, hope you are all well

Morv x

Dissertation Dun dah daaaa


It is finally here, 8,000 which aint so bad but alson still daunting i really want to nail this one but still haven’t seen my dissertation tutor is unfortunately now been taken seriously ill, which is very upsetting for all. I feel like i am swimming in soup with my ideas, there are quite a few, and i am digesting a lot of info about surrealism, as my dissertation topic is around the

Phycological generation of Surrealism within photography

Why am i looking at this?

Because i want to know why, i am always asking why, even if it frustrates the human being i am asking, sometimes even myself to a point of self combustion, i always have this gut feeling there is a reason for everything, and sometimes we are just unconsciously unaware of the real truths behind things, the way we treat one another the way we speak to one another etc. And perhaps we can evolve a little as a race if we just learned to listen to ourselves a little more, and not be afraid to be weird, surreal or individual.

I don’t believe anything was supported or born from something with an obvious reason, and no reward or therapy goes towards those pioneering the idea, in this case Andre Breton Within Surrealism, but maybe it does, maybe Breton unconciously created surrealism as a form of escape, maybe Max Ernest, Marcel Duchamp and Breton ran away from the Nazis, but saw and heard some terrible things, perhaps they were in shock, many say Dali was psychotic, crazy, weird, or mental, but was he hurting anyone? was he forcing his art down their throats? or had surrealists unawarinly learnt how to tap into this unconcious that so blindly controls mainstream society, like the parents awnser to a childs question of why, ‘with because i know best’ perhaps this ‘80%’ of claimed brain space we do not use or even know about, could be used, could be taught or known about, but is being suppressed by mainstream, dare i even say it communist visual messages and ideologies, keeping us all safe by putting a screen in front of our face, arguable even like a parent with a bored and irritated child, an actually holding evolution, and the human race as a whole back?

…..And i am back, my goodness look at these words that suddenly appeared! yey!! (this actually aint so bad after all) dissertation here i come….what was i worried about 😛

Say Gecko!


Starting off with two really awesome shots that show you guys just how intricate these geckos really are, they are incredibly visually rewarding! great to handle and overall cheap to own and they live for a long time, they don’t need a lot of space and bring me and my friend ours of fun especially when they take down crickets! I shall hopefully have some images to show you of fired up and fired down crested geckos, this means that they change colour dependant on temperature, mood, feeding, whatever, its not certain yet, but it is awesome, and i will have some really good photos currently our geckos are just entering shed so stayed tuned to see what they really can look like, its like a mini chameleon too! DSC_0147

Below is an image of our third lizard to own after the two cresties above, Dave (the name stuck from the person we rescued him from it suits him perfectly) he is a standings day gecko, can’t think of the latin name and need to be quick with this post, got a lot of dissertation notes to organise! BUT he is beautiful a lovely bright green on the head and a bright blue on the tale, he has had some shedding problems we think in the past, but has recently just gone through two sheds really rather smoothly and is putting on weight and muscle! yey dave! we are currently also looking for a girlfriend for him, as these guys are currently on the Vulnerable list! Dave is a Day gecko therefore he comes out in the day time rather than our other geckos who only come out at night, so we have the best of both worlds round the clock, it works really nicely.
DSC_0105DSC_0129  Full body image of Dynamite (red stick colour and she has a fiery spring in her body, explosions of curiosity get the better for her, the name was perfect and thought up from the black dynamite cartoon that me and my friends watched one evening)


Full body image of Flash, such a beautiful flash of yellow hence the name, she’s a lot calmer than dynamite a couple of weeks late on hatching compared to her sister dynamite and the rest of the clutch, the runt basically, but it was love at first site for me!DSC_0149

These Cresties don’t have any eyelids in fact most if not all gecko species do not have eyelids! instead small spiny eyelash looking protrusions of hard skin and tissue form out of the tops of their eyes like eyelashes that sink inwards reflecting light from their eye in the day time, as they are nocturnal super super bright lights or bright flashes can really effect their eyesight! (i made this image lighter so you could see the ‘eyelash’ sinking of the eye, basically my gecko having a good old 40 winks….kinda!)

Stay tuned for more from me and these guys, we just rescued another gecko from the site Preloved, so many animals un wanted and needing to go to a good home! i am so pleased my boyfriend loves these lil dino’s as much as i do, currently filling out his room and discussing about breeding and selling reptiles and then getting a shop in Copenhagen (we love the city, 1000 free bikes every year just on the road, yes please thank you please)

Tank Update


The fish have moved out and some small geckos have moved in, check out the home page for my photography of our new additions! and don’t forget to check my other site, uploading more images and offering my services and a Petographer (photographing peoples beloved pets!, it makes them happy, me happy and the animal gets lots of lovely attention) please check it out and keep an eye out as i shall be uploading more soon now that i am officially back at uni! http://morvenelizebethkynoch.wordpress.com

Dave <3


daveHeres another better picture of dave, standings day gecko and a care sheet of what he needs, he’s a fantastic day gecko and was a really great rescue, he’s settling in really well with a very healthy appetite and had his first shed with us which went really smoothly!


Interestingly however standings day geckos are more colourful when they are babies males and females, i thought this would be the other way around heres how the pattern changed throughout their lives and as they mature,


Baby Standings


Adolecent standings


Adult standings

Summer days drifting away….


So summer is officially over here in england its september now but still hot apparently where due an indian summer, which is where its hotter quite a lot in septemeber! lucky us i hope!

this summer a lot of things have been happening, i have been a busy bookworm studying away so sorry there have been no posts and its been rather quite, i promise you though i will be updating things as i go along now that i am back at uni, in fact i have a presentation next thursday for Dissertation! rather nerve-racking but hopefully it will go pay just got to prepare!

With uni up and running of course i have picked up my camera (took a break from it as third year is going to be hectic) again and starting shooting, much to my delight some of my skills i have noticed like my manual focus has got better!

Heres a little something for you to feast your eyes upon, our new additions this summer ❤

Larger update on these guys, in the future now dedicating myself to dissertation presentation, lots of reading to catch up on!

Hope you had a great summer too 🙂 or are about to have one! but like myself i am getting the jumpers to and stocking up on hot chocolate.

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Meeting Simba


Check out my other blog for more four pawed related things 🙂



After meeting Tessa we decided to take a brief walk to the shops with her on the lead. It was a blistering hot day (of which we had, had a great time at the beach) but needed refreshing in form of a nice cold ice cream! on the way (i am glad i took my camera) we met to my friends surprise their cat samba sitting on top of a garage roof sunning himself and looking down on us most sternly.

I know he is not a dog, and i know i have stated that this is a dog blog, but honestly i couldn’t resist sharing that face with you (perhaps its time for a change in content of the blog?) We said our hello’s and goodbyes in a manner of squeaking and chirpy noises we humans make at cats for their attention (majority of the time it works, who’d of…

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With the dissertation research looming and my summer now coming to the middle stage I’ve been taking well deserved breaks and visiting many places that fish are inhabiting, my favourite recently was at Bournemouth beach aquarium sea life centre it was a great day out with a great friend, really starting to like marine a lot more i would love to work with marine conservation.